After enjoying eight “golden”
years of President Barack Obama’s all-out appeasement approach, the
mullahs in Iran are feeling the wrath of isolation, with senior
international figures lashing out at the regime in Tehran and calling
for action against it.
British Parliament members from all leading parties registered a resolution discussing crimes of the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC)
against the Iranian people and its terrorist meddling across the Middle
East. The move calls for the expulsion of the IRGC and all its
dispatched proxy foot-soldiers spread out across the region.
۱۳۹۶ فروردین ۱۰, پنجشنبه
التیار الذي سيغرقهم
إنهم يصرون على السباحة ضد التيار و عدم القبول بالامر الواقع مهما کلف
الامر، هذا هو حال و موقف نظام الجمهورية الايرانية من مجرى الاحداث على
عدة أصعدة ومنها على سبيل المثال لا الحصر، الاوضاع في داخل إيران و في
سوريا و في العراق و لبنان و اليمن، عدم إذعانه لکل الأبجديات و المعادلات
السياسية على أرض الواقع.
إصرار الشعب الايراني على إسقاط نظام الجمهورية الاسلامية الايرانية
الذي أذاقه الويلات، لم يعد مجرد مسألة عادية بالامکان تجاوزها او تخطيها،
لأن الشعوب فيما لو دخلت على الخط فإن کل المعادلات و المراهنات ستتغير و
ستنقلب طاولة المخططات و المؤمرات على رؤوس أصحابها، لکن مشکلة النظام
الايراني لاتنحصر فقط في دخول الشعب الايراني على خط المواجهة ضده وانما
ذلك الاقتحام الاستثنائي لساحة الاحداث السياسية من جانب منظمة مجاهدي
خلق"أبرز فصيل سياسي معارض للنظام و صاحب الدور الاکبر في إسقاط نظام الشاه
عام 1979"، والذي لفت الانظار إليه بقوة و فرض نفسه بمثابة الرقم الاصعب
في المشهد السياسي الايراني، وهذا الامر وضع النظام في موقع صعب و معقد
دفعه لکي يفکر و بطرق شيطانية في إستغلال نفوذه في العراق و لبنان و سوريا
و دفعه بإتجاهات تخدم مصالحم الضيقة في طهران.
NCRI-US: Former U.S. Officials Join Nowruz Event in Washington, Highlight Need for Tough Iran Policy
For Iranians, Nowruz symbolizes change. It heralds the end of the dark, dull days of winter, and the arrival of the flourishing days of spring. The dawn of a "new day," Nowruz, and the coming of spring bear a simple, yet, at the same time, compelling message: The freedom of springtime is inevitable. It may be delayed, but it can't be stopped.Guests from different academic institutions, think tanks, the U.S. Government, and the U.S. Congress joined senior former U.S. officials and leaders of the Iranian-American communities at the colorful and lively event. The traditional Haftseen table and a beautiful exhibition of Iranian handcraft decorated the room, bringing important culture to the celebration. Persian cuisine was served while the audience enjoyed listening to folk and traditional Iranian music.
NCRI-US: Former U.S. Officials Join Nowruz Event in Washington, Highlight Need for Tough Iran Policy
WASHINGTON, March 28, 2017 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The U.S. Representative Office of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI-US) held a Nowruz celebration at the Willard InterContinental Hotel on March 24, 2017.
For Iranians,
Nowruz symbolizes change. It heralds the end of the dark, dull days of
winter, and the arrival of the flourishing days of spring. The dawn of a
"new day," Nowruz, and the coming of spring bear a simple, yet, at the
same time, compelling message: The freedom of springtime is inevitable.
It may be delayed, but it can't be stopped.
Iranian Regime's Continued Intervention in Neighboring Countries Denounced
NCRI - The Arab Ministerial Quartet Committee, tasked with following up the developments of the crisis with the Iranian regime, denounced on Monday the regime’s continued intervention in internal affairs of Arab countries.
The committee maintains that what the Iranian regime is doing is fueling the sectarianism in the region while sabotaging the efforts to resolve regional crises.
NCRI - The Arab Ministerial Quartet Committee, tasked with following up the developments of the crisis with the Iranian regime, denounced on Monday the regime’s continued intervention in internal affairs of Arab countries.
The committee maintains that what the Iranian regime is doing is fueling the sectarianism in the region while sabotaging the efforts to resolve regional crises.
Iran Court Confirms Five Years Prison Sentence for Christian Convert
NCRI - The five years prison sentence issued by the court of first instance for the Iranian Christian convert Ebrahim Firouzi has been confirmed by the appeals court.
The so-called Revolutionary Court has convicted Firoozi of ‘forming a group in order to disrupt national security’, while human rights defenders say that Firoozi is in prison only for his beliefs.
NCRI - The five years prison sentence issued by the court of first instance for the Iranian Christian convert Ebrahim Firouzi has been confirmed by the appeals court.
The so-called Revolutionary Court has convicted Firoozi of ‘forming a group in order to disrupt national security’, while human rights defenders say that Firoozi is in prison only for his beliefs.
Senator Torricelli in the New Year's Celebration With the Iranian Resistance: These Proud 3,000 Are the Tip of the Spear
NCRI - March 29. 2017 - Senator Robert Torricelli spoke at the Grand
Gathering of the Iranian Resistance and its supporters celebrating the
Great Nowruz, the following is an excerpt of his speech.
Thank you. My friends, it is only the first day of spring and already my prayers have been answered: a new Ashraf has been created before your eyes!
A new house of Iranian freedom has been built and you built it with your own hands. To those listening in Iran, someday your children’s children will walk these halls, the path of these buildings, look at monuments built in your honor and they will say “In the darkest hours of Iranian history, when all hope was lost, freedom had been vanquished, 3,000 brave souls never gave up, never gave in, kept free, built Ashraf and fought for Iranian freedom”.
Thank you. My friends, it is only the first day of spring and already my prayers have been answered: a new Ashraf has been created before your eyes!
A new house of Iranian freedom has been built and you built it with your own hands. To those listening in Iran, someday your children’s children will walk these halls, the path of these buildings, look at monuments built in your honor and they will say “In the darkest hours of Iranian history, when all hope was lost, freedom had been vanquished, 3,000 brave souls never gave up, never gave in, kept free, built Ashraf and fought for Iranian freedom”.
Iran And The Revolutionary Guards' Economic Powerhouse
For slightly over a decade the office of Irani Supreme Leader Ali
Khamenei has been quietly and yet surely taking full control over a
large swathe of Iran’s economy, all under the deceptive pretext of
The motive driving this major effort forward can be understood in the desire, and need, seen in Khamenei and the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) to enjoy all the more control and influence over Iran’s vast natural resources.
The motive driving this major effort forward can be understood in the desire, and need, seen in Khamenei and the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) to enjoy all the more control and influence over Iran’s vast natural resources.
Believe Iran, Not Its Ayatollahs
Iran's mullahs, it's a pity that their party with the former United
States administration did not last longer. The Obama administration was
regarded as a symbol of friendship and brotherhood in the eyes of the
Ayatollahs. But, those days are gone and the inhabitants of the earth
now no longer witness the deep-rooted, umm, friendship, between the
Obama Administration and His Excellency Javad Zarif.
But let's take a look at how this appears from inside Iran. Iranians themselves say they had hoped that the next proper place for officials of the two states to continue their lengthy negotiations would be in the middle of Iran’s Karoon River, or rather, the middle of Iran's former Karoon River, the longest river in the country, which discharged its water into the Persian Gulf, and is now dried out.
But let's take a look at how this appears from inside Iran. Iranians themselves say they had hoped that the next proper place for officials of the two states to continue their lengthy negotiations would be in the middle of Iran’s Karoon River, or rather, the middle of Iran's former Karoon River, the longest river in the country, which discharged its water into the Persian Gulf, and is now dried out.
۱۳۹۶ فروردین ۸, سهشنبه
الکوابيس تنزل تترى على رٶوس نظام الملالي
إذا کان هناك من اسم يمکن أن نطلقه على عام 2017، من حيث
علاقته بنظام الملالي في طهران، فليس هناك من اسم أفضل من"عام الکوابيس و
المصائب و الکوارث"، ذلك إن هذا العام الذي بدء بتوجيه 23 سياسيا أمريکيا
مرموقا رسالة الى الرئيس الامريکي ترامب و تم تسليمه إياها يدويا، يطالبونه
فيها بفتح حوار مع المجلس الوطني للمقاومة الايرانية و بتغيير السياسية
الامريکية ازاء نظام الملالي، تتابعت فيه أيضا الاحداث و التطورات و التي
کانت معظمها أشبه ماتکون بصفعات سياسية و إقتصادية قوية الى النظام.
التحولات الايرانية في العام الايراني الجديد!
الشعب الايراني وكل الكيانات السياسية الايرانية والحماة الدوليين لايران
حرة يجمعون على أن أيام العام الجديد حبلى بتحولات كبيرة فيما يتعلق بايران
ولدت من رحم التطورات في العام الماضي لا أحد يعلم بتفاصيلها وآلياتها
بعد. بيد أن الجميع مؤمنون بأنه لا يجب أن تفوتهم هذه الفرصة الذهبية!
مع ظهور أول معالم لبدء التحول،
فان صفوف القوى الداعية الى اسقاط النظام الايراني سرعان ما تأخذ زخما
قويا كونها قائمة على الظروف الذهنية والمادية لإحداث تغيير جوهري في
المجتمع الايراني لا يقوى أمامه النظام وسرعان ما تتحطم أركانه أمام هذه
الطاقة القوية المدمرة المنبعثة من طموحات شعب لا يرضى بأقل من تغيير
تضارب في الرأي أم إعتراف صريح؟
دأبت السلطات الايرانية و خلال الاعوام الماضية على رفض و تکذيب کل ماکانت تنشره المعارضة الايرانية المتمثلة في المجلس الوطني للمقاومة الايرانية من معلومات مختلفة بشأن الاوضاع السياسية و الاقتصادية و العسکرية و الامنية في إيران، لکن و على الرغم من رفض و تکذيب هذه تلك المعلومات، إلا إن الذي کان يبدو واضحا و جليا هو إن الاوساط الاعلامية و السياسية المختلفة في العالم کانت تأخذ هذه المعلومات على محمل الجد، وهو أمر وعلى الرغم من مدى الازعاج الذي يسببه للسلطات الايرانية، إلا إنها بقيت أيضا تتجاهل ذلك أو تصنفه ضمن نظرية المٶامرة.
ما سيأتي الاسوء و الادهى بقلم:سهى مازن القيسي
يواجه نظام الجمهورية الاسلامية الايرانية وضعا غير طبيعيا منذ أن أسدل
الستار على عهد الرئيس الامريکي السابق اوباما، إذ لم يعد بوسعه أن يتصرف و
يتحرك کما کان يفعل طوال 8 أعوام من ولايتين متتاليتين لأوباما، فقد إنتهت
فترته الذهبية و صارت مخططاته و سياساته المشبوهة اليوم تحت أنظار المجتمع
الدولي، والذي يزيد الطين بلة إن ذلك يتزامن مع صعود و تألق استثنائي غير
مسبوق للنشاطات السياسية المحنکة التي تقودها السيدة مريم رجوي، رئيسة
الجمهورية المنتخبة من جانب المقاومة الايرانية و التي جعلت العالم کله على
بينة کاملة من الاوضاع الوخيمة في إيران على
مختلف الاصعدة و الدور
المشبوه الذي يٶديه النظام الايراني بمختلف الاتجاهات.
ANALYSIS: Here’s how to blueprint the most effective Iran policy
has been continuing its series of blatant measures in defiance of norms
accepted as standard by the international community, all as the Trump
administration continues to weigh on blacklisting the Revolutionary
Guards (IRGC).
Iran has gone as far as pledging to launch “roaring missiles” in
response to threats. To this day, several ballistic missile launches –
capable of delivering nuclear payloads – have been Tehran’s report card.
Reports also show Iran increasing its support of the Houthis in Yemen by providing “Kamikazi” drones, water and airborne, to threaten shipping lines in Bab el-Mandeb and most certainly Saudi Navy ships, as weapons analystsconfirmed
forces aligned with former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh are also
using these weapons to target missile-defense systems used by Saudi-led
coalition units.
Is Iran expanding its spying and lobbying efforts?
Mahmoud Alavi, Iran's spy chief, bragged about the regime's capability to run a lobby group in Washington with the aim of promoting Tehran's hardline agenda.
Mahmoud Alavi, Iran's spy chief, bragged about the regime's capability to run a lobby group in Washington with the aim of promoting Tehran's hardline agenda.
to Alavi, Iranian dual citizens in the United States, Canada and the
United Kingdom have maintained their loyalty to the "Islamic
the mullahs' hallmark motto ever since 1979, through which they have wreaked havoc across the region and beyond.
"lobby group for the Islamic Republic of Iran" is actively bolstering
Tehran's status in the international stage and helping to sell and
legitimize its nuclear ambitions as just causes to the globe, Alavi
Iran: Khamenei’s Slogan, “Domestic Production” is a Mirage
After weeks of regime in-fighting and
attention in Syria, resulted in atrocities and massacre in Aleppo, and
sending advanced weapons and military advisers to Yemen, and building a
number of weapons production factories in Lebanon for Hezbollah.
the Supreme Leader and President Rouhani turned to the state of Iran’s
economy in their messages for Nowruz, Iran’s New Year.
Tuesday march 21 in the holy shrine of Imam Reza in Iran’s northeastern
holy city of Mashhad the supreme leader Khamenei reiterated the
significance of domestic production in the new Iranian year’s speech.
“What is obvious today is that “economic vacuums are huge”, the leader
noted, pointing to “unemployment and harsh living conditions.”. “Weak
management”, “recession in domestic production”.
Iran Regime Poses a Major Concern for International Security
Iran has been continuing its series of blatant measures in defiance of norms accepted as standard by the international community, all as the Trump administration continues to weigh on blacklisting the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC). Iran has gone as far as pledging to launch “roaring missiles” in response to threats. To this day, several ballistic missile launches – capable of delivering nuclear payloads – have been Tehran’s report card. Heshmat Alavi wrote in Al-Arabiya on March 27, 2017 and the article continues as follows:
Iran: Khamenei’s Slogan, “Domestic Production” is a Mirage
After weeks of regime in-fighting and attention in Syria,
resulted in atrocities and massacre in Aleppo, and sending advanced
weapons and military advisers to Yemen, and building a number of weapons
production factories in Lebanon for Hezbollah. Both the Supreme Leader
and President Rouhani turned to the state of Iran’s economy in their
messages for Nowruz, Iran’s New Year.
On Tuesday march
21 in the holy shrine of Imam Reza in Iran’s northeastern holy city of
Mashhad the supreme leader Khamenei reiterated the significance of
domestic production in the new Iranian year’s speech. “What is obvious
today is that “economic vacuums are huge”, the leader noted, pointing to
“unemployment and harsh living conditions.”. “Weak management”,
“recession in domestic production”.
Iran: Female Prisoner Once Again Transferred to Solitary Confinement
NCRI - According to reports, prison officials in Kerman Central Prison have on Saturday March 25 transferred Afsaneh Bayazidi to solitary confinement, where the Kurdish girl will be held till the end of this week, namely for 15 days, according to a decision made by security officials.
An informed source from inside the prison has confirmed that Afsaneh Bayazidi has been ‘questioned and interrogated’ by Kerman Central Prison officials after writing a closed letter to Iranian regime’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei, according to a Kurdish news agency.
The letter has been handed over by prison officials to security agents, who have severely beaten Afsaneh afterwards, the report says.
In her letter, Afsaneh Bayzidi has pointed to ‘insults, assaults, and brutal tortures’ by prison officials across Iran’s prisons, saying that Khamenei is to blame for such a situation.
NCRI - According to reports, prison officials in Kerman Central Prison have on Saturday March 25 transferred Afsaneh Bayazidi to solitary confinement, where the Kurdish girl will be held till the end of this week, namely for 15 days, according to a decision made by security officials.
An informed source from inside the prison has confirmed that Afsaneh Bayazidi has been ‘questioned and interrogated’ by Kerman Central Prison officials after writing a closed letter to Iranian regime’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei, according to a Kurdish news agency.
The letter has been handed over by prison officials to security agents, who have severely beaten Afsaneh afterwards, the report says.
In her letter, Afsaneh Bayzidi has pointed to ‘insults, assaults, and brutal tortures’ by prison officials across Iran’s prisons, saying that Khamenei is to blame for such a situation.
Is Iran expanding its spying and lobbying efforts?
The Iranian intelligence minister's recent remarks, pertaining
to Tehran overseeing a spy/lobby network in important capitals across
the world, is cause for concern. Mahmoud Alavi, Iran's spy chief, bragged about the regime's capability to run a lobby group in Washington with the aim of promoting Tehran's hardline agenda.
According to Alavi, Iranian dual citizens in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom have maintained their loyalty to the "Islamic revolution," the mullahs' hallmark motto ever since 1979, through which they have wreaked havoc across the region and beyond.!
According to Alavi, Iranian dual citizens in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom have maintained their loyalty to the "Islamic revolution," the mullahs' hallmark motto ever since 1979, through which they have wreaked havoc across the region and beyond.!
۱۳۹۶ فروردین ۶, یکشنبه
جاء زمن القصاص بقلم:ليلى محمود رضا
لکل فعل رد فعل، ولکل جهد جدي يبذل باسلوب و منهج عقلاني، نتيجة إيجابية من دون أدنى شك، وان نضال و مقاومة و صمود و مواجهة ضارية مستمرة من جانب الشعب الايراني و المقاومة الايرانية ضد نظام الاستبداد الديني القائم في طهران منذ أکثر من 37 عاما، قد بدأت تظهر ثماره ليقرع ناقوس الرحيل لهذا النظام غير مأسوفا عليه.
السياسات المختلفة التي تبناها نظام الجمهورية الاسلامية الايرانية منذ قيامه، تسببت و تتسبب في إلحاق أضرار کبيرة و فادحة ليس بالشعب الايراني لوحده فقط وانما بشعوب المنطقة أيضا ولاسيما من خلال السعي لزرع أسباب الفرقة و الاختلاف و المواجهة بين مکونات شعوب المنطقة، وقبل ذلك فإن الشعب الايراني الذي وصل به الحال الى أسوء مايکون و صار أغلبية منه يعاني من الفقر المدقع و المجاعة و الحرمان، وهذه الاوضاع السلبية قد قامت بنقلها المقاومة الايرانية بأمانة الى المجتمع الدولي و أکدت بأن هذا النظام يشکل خطرا کبيرا على الجميع و هو يواصل و بإستمرار إنتهاکاته الفظيعة في مجال حقوق الانسان في إيران دون أن يکترث للمجتمع الدولي.
المقاومة الإيرانية تطالب بإحالة جرائم النظام لمجلس الأمن الدولي
طالبت المقاومة الإيرانية، اليوم السبت، بتمديد مهمة المقررة الخاصة المعنية بحقوق الإنسان في إيران، وضرورة إحالة جرائم النظام الإيراني إلى مجلس الأمن الدولي
وأوضحت المقاومة أن مجلس حقوق الإنسان التابع للأمم المتحدة أقر يوم الجمعة 24 مارس2017 خلال جلسة له، تمديد مهمة المقررة الخاصة المعنية بحقوق الإنسان في إيران لمدة عام آخر، وجاء هذا القرار في وقت كان فيه النظام الفاشي الديني الحاكم في إيران وبعض من الدول المنتهكة لحقوق الإنسان يسعون للحول دون صدور القرار بأي شكل ممكن.
وأشارت، إلى أن القرار يدعو كذلك نظام الملالي إلى التعاون الكامل مع المقررة الخاصة، والسماح لها بزيارة إيران وتوفير جميع المعلومات الضرورية، لتنفيذ مهمتها ويطالب الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة بتوفير الإمكانات اللازمة لتنفيذ مهمة المقررة الخاصة.
وأعربت عن ترحيبها الشديد، بتمديد مهمة المقررة الأممية لحالة حقوق الإنسان، وتدعو مجلس حقوق الإنسان والمقررة الخاصة إلى إحالة ملف جرائم نظام الملالي خاصة إعدام 120 ألف سجين سياسي إلى مجلس الأمن الدولي وتقديم الآمرين والمنفذين للجريمة ضد الإنسانية إلى العدالة، لافتة إلى أن هذا هو الطريق الوحيد للتصدي لنظام يتصدر قائمة منتهكي حقوق الإنسان في العالم اليوم وضرب باستمرار وبانتظام قرارات الأمم المتحدة عرض الحائ
المعارضة الإيرانية: كوريا الشمالية طورت صواريخ طهران
المعارضة الإيرانية: كوريا الشمالية طورت صواريخ طهران - أخبار السعودية | صحيفة عكاظ
This UK statement was delivered during discussion of the resolution during the 34th session of the Human Rights Council on 24 March 2017.
The United Kingdom would like to make an Explanation of Vote before the vote on L.17, entitled Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The UK wishes to thank the delegations of Sweden, Macedonia, USA and Republic of Moldova for the presentation of L. 17.
We recognise the transparency of the core group in consulting with the delegation of Iran, and conducting open and transparent negotiations in good faith.
The leader of the Iranian resistance has sent a strong message to the new US administration: Cease relations with Iran until the country stops torture and executions.
Maryam Rajavi, the leader of the People's Mujahedin of Iran, spoke at a gathering in the Albanian capital Tirana to mark the Persian New Year, and took the opportunity to issue some demands to US President Donald Trump's administration.
"First, make your commercial and diplomatic relations contingent on end to executions and torture in Iran," Rajavi began.
The new threat made by Iran to ignore a key aspect of the nuclear deal aimed at curbing its nuclear program is a necessary reminder of a very important issue. Despite all the probable results that may ensue from Iran’s upcoming presidential elections, the mullahs’ regime in Tehran will not lose its dangerous characteristics.
This can also be perceived as a silver bullet against the impression, put forward by the Obama administration, that the highly flawed 2015 accord will actually transform the regime into a “moderate” entity.
In the meantime, Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen are now resorting to the use of Iran-designed drone boats packed with explosives. Such practices pose serious threats to commercial and military shipping lines in the strategic Bab el-Mandeb strait. However, Iran understands the consequences of becoming even more involved in Yemen’s continuing conflict.
The Iranian Resistance Welcomes the Extension of the Mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in Iran
On Friday March 24, 2017, the UN Human Rights Council adopted a resolution extending the mandate of the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran for one more year. The resolution was adopted while the religious fascism ruling Iran and some of the major violators of human rights in every possible way tried to prevent the adoption of this resolution.
The Iranian Resistance welcomes the extension of the mandate of the Special Rapporteur and calls on the Human Rights Council and the Special Rapporteur to refer the dossier of atrocities of the clerical regime, especially the execution of 120,000 political prisoners
The Iranian Resistance welcomes the extension of the mandate of the Special Rapporteur and calls on the Human Rights Council and the Special Rapporteur to refer the dossier of atrocities of the clerical regime, especially the execution of 120,000 political prisoners
Iran's Economic Crises, Officials Admitting Market Being Crippled
NCRI - Iran’s Minister of Road and Construction Abbas Akhoondi, admitted to the regime’s failing, in resolving the country’s economic dilemmas, and how the cabinet of Hassan Rouhani is completely incapable.
There are three main factors crippling Iran’s economy.
1. “Contaminated finances in the banking industry.”
2. “the government’s debts to the economy,” and
3. The “national economic low production ratio.”
Abbas Akhoondi stated in an interview with the state-run Mehr news agency on March 23rd.
Senior Iranian Mullahs Concerned About the Future Ahead, Powder Keg Society
NCRI - The mullah presiding over Friday prayers in Tehran referred to the Iranian regime’s domestic and international isolation, and the threat of uprisings erupting similar to those of 2009 due to the rifts caused amongst the regime’s factions because of the presidential elections.
“Social media, various social problems and other issues are threatening our society today,” said Kazem Sedighi.
Mullah Alam al-Hoda, the representative of Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, made interesting remarks about the people’s hate and anger regarding the regime
The Correct First Step on Containing Iran
The new threat made by Iran to ignore a key aspect of the nuclear deal aimed at curbing its nuclear program is a necessary reminder of a very important issue. Despite all the probable results that may ensue from Iran’s upcoming presidential elections, the mullahs’ regime in Tehran will not lose its dangerous characteristics.
In the meantime, Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen are now resorting to the use of Iran-designed drone boats packed with explosives. Such practices pose serious threats to commercial and military shipping lines in the strategic Bab el-Mandeb strait. However, Iran understands the consequences of becoming even more involved in Yemen’s continuing conflict.
In the meantime, Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen are now resorting to the use of Iran-designed drone boats packed with explosives. Such practices pose serious threats to commercial and military shipping lines in the strategic Bab el-Mandeb strait. However, Iran understands the consequences of becoming even more involved in Yemen’s continuing conflict.
المقاومة الإيرانية ترحب بتمديد مهمة المقررة الخاصة المعنية بحقوق الإنسان في إيران وضرورة إحالة جرائم النظام الإيراني إلى مجلس الأمن الدولي
أقرّ مجلس حقوق الإنسان التابع للأمم المتحدة يوم الجمعة 24 مارس/آذار2017 خلال جلسة له، تمديد مهمة المقررة الخاصة المعنية بحقوق الإنسان في إيران لمدة عام آخر. وجاء هذا القرار في وقت كان فيه النظام الفاشي الديني الحاكم في إيران وبعض من الدول المنتهكة لحقوق الإنسان يسعون للحؤول دون صدور القرار بأي شكل ممكن
إن المقاومة الإيرانية إذ ترحب بتمديد مهمة المقررة الأممية لحالة حقوق الإنسان، تدعو مجلس حقوق الإنسان والمقررة الخاصة إلى احالة ملف جرائم نظام الملالي خاصة إعدام 120 ألف سجين سياسي إلى مجلس الأمن الدولي وتقديم الآمرين والمنفذين للجريمة ضد الإنسانية إلى العدالة. وهذا هو الطريق الوحيد للتصدي لنظام يتصدر قائمة منتهكي حقوق
الإنسان في العالم اليوم وضرب باستمرار وبانتظام قرارات الأمم المتحدة عرض الحائط.
U.S. Sanctions 30 Firms, Individuals for Aiding Iran, North Korea Arms Programs
The United States has imposed sanctions on 30 foreign companies or individuals for transferring sensitive technology to Iran for its missile program or for violating export controls on Iran, North Korea and Syria, the State Department said on Friday.
Eleven companies or individuals from China, North Korea or the United Arab Emirates were sanctioned for technology transfers that could boost Tehran's ballistic missile program, the State Department said in a statement.
۱۳۹۶ فروردین ۳, پنجشنبه
Leader of Iranian resistance issues list of demands to Donald Trump's administration
The leader of the Iranian resistance has sent a strong message to the
new US administration: Cease relations with Iran until the country stops torture and executions.
Maryam Rajavi, the leader of the People's Mujahedin of Iran, spoke at a gathering in the Albanian capital Tirana to mark the Persian New Year, and took the opportunity to issue some demands to US President Donald Trump's administration.
Maryam Rajavi, the leader of the People's Mujahedin of Iran, spoke at a gathering in the Albanian capital Tirana to mark the Persian New Year, and took the opportunity to issue some demands to US President Donald Trump's administration.
Iranian Opposition Leader Says US ‘Appeasement’ Has Helped the Regime
National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)/People’s Mujahedeen
Organization of Iran (MEK) leader Maryam Rajavi said that in the
aftermath of the U.S. presidential election, the people of Iran and the
region anticipate a “fundamental revision in the U.S. policy for the
past three decades, and particularly the past 16 and eight years.”
“Nothing has been more helpful to Iran’s ruling religious dictatorship than the U.S. appeasement of the past few years,” she added, in words translated by her organization.
Speaking in Tirana, Albania at a celebration Monday of the Persian new year (Nowruz), Rajavi said that as new Iran policy was being deliberated, she had a message for the U.S. and European Union
“Nothing has been more helpful to Iran’s ruling religious dictatorship than the U.S. appeasement of the past few years,” she added, in words translated by her organization.
Speaking in Tirana, Albania at a celebration Monday of the Persian new year (Nowruz), Rajavi said that as new Iran policy was being deliberated, she had a message for the U.S. and European Union
Maryam Rajavi: Let us turn the New Year into the year of defeat for religious fascism in #Iran and the region
In a grand gathering in Tirana, Albania, on the occasion of
the Persian New Year, the Iranian Resistance’s President-elect Maryam
Rajavi wished that the New Year would be the year of breaking the chains
of the religious fascism ruling Iran. Today marked the beginning of the
Iranian New Year or Nowrouz that starts with the arrival of spring.
Mrs. Rajavi wished the looming of the spring of freedom and national
sovereignty, the failure of the mullahs’ belligerence in the region, and
the year of emancipation of the defenseless people of Syria from the
clutches of the clerical regime ruling Iran.
Opposition To Terror Designation For Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps Is "Fake News"
Much has been discussed about “fake news” appearing everywhere, from
newspapers to blogs to social media to even Wikipedia listings that have
been altered.
The wave of fake news stems largely from the ability in today’s hyper-connected, social media world to distribute information as fast as fingers can swipe a touchscreen. It also means it has become harder for ordinary people to discern what is legitimate and accurate news versus what is hyperbole or hysteria.
One example of how fake news is being pumped out is the case of the Iran lobby and its opposition to the possible designation of the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guard Corps as a “Foreign Terrorist Organization” by the Trump administration.
On the surface, many people may already think that the IRGC is already designated a terrorist supporter - and they would be correct, but only to a point. Past administrations have designated individuals associated with the IRGC and shell companies operated by the IRGC as sponsors and supporters or terrorism. Or they have been involved in evading sanctions such as on the importation of technology that could be used for nuclear weapons.
The wave of fake news stems largely from the ability in today’s hyper-connected, social media world to distribute information as fast as fingers can swipe a touchscreen. It also means it has become harder for ordinary people to discern what is legitimate and accurate news versus what is hyperbole or hysteria.
One example of how fake news is being pumped out is the case of the Iran lobby and its opposition to the possible designation of the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guard Corps as a “Foreign Terrorist Organization” by the Trump administration.
On the surface, many people may already think that the IRGC is already designated a terrorist supporter - and they would be correct, but only to a point. Past administrations have designated individuals associated with the IRGC and shell companies operated by the IRGC as sponsors and supporters or terrorism. Or they have been involved in evading sanctions such as on the importation of technology that could be used for nuclear weapons.
ANALYSIS: Is Iran beginning to feel the Middle East heat?
While an agreement allowing Iranian pilgrims to join this year’s hajj is
good news, this is no leap forward to future success for the regime in
Tehran. Quite obvious is the fact that this regime is facing a new
balance of power in the Middle East and across the globe as the Trump
administration has begun overhauling his predecessor’s disastrous Iran
appeasement policy that allowed Tehran ignite the entire region in
Turning point
The visit by Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman
to the US and meeting with President Donald Trump in the White House
has been described as a turning point in Saudi-US relations.
Deputy Crown Prince, also the kingdom’s Defense Minister, has described
Iran’s destabilizing nature across the globe and support for terrorism
as a dangerous challenge for the Middle and the world over. Saudi Arabia
is at the front lines of these dilemmas, he said in his recent meeting
with his American predecessor James Mattis.
۱۳۹۵ اسفند ۲۶, پنجشنبه
Saudi Deputy Crown Prince & President Trump's Common View on the Iran Regime's Expansionist Moves
Saudi Arabia has claimed “a historic turning point” in relations with the US after President Donald Trump welcomed Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to the White House. Al Arabiya English reported on Wednesday, 15 March 2017.
The praise for Trump’s “great understanding” of US-Saudi relations reflects the eagerness for a renewed alliance after deep strains with former President Barack Obama, who crafted the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran.
The praise for Trump’s “great understanding” of US-Saudi relations reflects the eagerness for a renewed alliance after deep strains with former President Barack Obama, who crafted the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran.
ANALYSIS: Iran’s lethal role expanding in Syria as war enters seventh year
Why is Syria so important for Iran?
Syria is of strategic significant for Iran, as the mullahs considers the country their 35th province. This reached the point that Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei immediately dispatched his Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) to prop Assad’s lines in order to maintain their reach to the Mediterranean Sea and continue the flow of much needed weapons, including dangerous missiles, to the Lebanese Hezbollah
Iran: 1500 Arrested in the Fire Festivities
Mohammad Sharafi, one of Iran’s Security Forces’ commanders declared that the suppressive forces arrested almost 1500 people during the Fire Festivities (State news agency of ISNA, March 15). Theses arrests indicate the authorities’ fearful reaction to Iranian youth who despite all the regime’s threatening warnings turned the Fire Festivities into a scene of their confrontation with the despotic regime as well as an opportunity for expressing their revulsion of the regime
The youth closed the road to the patrolling security forces in southern Tehran. In the Afsarieh region of Tehran, a suppressive security force who intended to persecute the youth was so severely punished by them that he had to be sent to hospital.
The youth closed the road to the patrolling security forces in southern Tehran. In the Afsarieh region of Tehran, a suppressive security force who intended to persecute the youth was so severely punished by them that he had to be sent to hospital.
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